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Training Course Deploying and Managing Microsoft 365 Hybrid Deployments

  • OVHD
  • Durée : 2 jours
  • Tarif : 2775 € HT


Taux de satisfaction clients
(sur 1596 évaluations du 19/05/21 au 16/12/24)

Voir les avis


Skills gained

Plan hybrid configuration with Exchange Server and Exchange Online.
Perform an Exchange Server hybrid configuration deployment.
Describe and deploy various authentication methods in a hybrid Microsoft 365 deployment.


In addition to their professional experience, students who attend this training should already have the following technical knowledge:

Minimum of two years of experience administering the Windows Server operating system, including Windows Server 2012 or later.
Minimum of one year of experience working with Active Directory Domain Services.
Minimum of one year of experience working with name resolution, including Domain Name System (DNS).
Experience working with certificates, including public key infrastructure (PKI) certificates
Experience working with Windows PowerShell.
Experience working with Exchange Server 2013 or later.
Experience working with Microsoft 365 key services such as Exchange Online.
An understanding of the following concepts as related to Microsoft 365
Microsoft cloud services
Microsoft 365 platform


The audience for this course includes IT professionals and system administrators who want to learn how to implement and maintain Microsoft 365 in hybrid scenarios, where one part of collaboration infrastructure is located on-premises and integrated with Microsoft 365 services. These professionals should have at least 3 years of experience working in their respective field’s specifically, previous knowledge about Exchange Server is expected. Students who attend this course are also expected to have a fairly broad understanding of Microsoft 365 services administration in general, as well as several on-premises technologies such as DNS and AD DS.

Dernière mise à jour

Programme mis à jour le 05 novembre 2024
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Evaluez votre niveau

Pour vous aider à bien choisir votre formation, nous vous proposons soit un entretien avec le formateur soit un test d’évaluation. Cela vous assurera que vous disposez des connaissances nécessaires pour suivre la formation dans des conditions optimales.

Formations modulables

Toutes nos formations sont disponibles en présentiel comme en distanciel, en mode coaching individuel ou en groupe de 3 à 6 participants maximum.

Travaux pratiques

Nos formations comprennent de nombreux travaux pratiques pour un meilleur apprentissage (60 % de pratique). Nous proposons également de travailler sur vos données pour une meilleure expérience.

Les Modules
de formation

Exchange Server hybrid deployment planning

This module explains how to plan hybrid configuration with Exchange Server and Exchange Online.

Exchange Online overview
Exchange Server hybrid configuration options and deployment features
Exchange Server services in the hybrid deployment
Lab : Planning and designing the integration between Exchange Online and Exchange Server
Designing an Exchange hybrid deployment
Discussing a solution and reviewing the Exchange Online setup
After completing this module, you will be able to :
Describe Microsoft Exchange Online as a part of Microsoft 365.
Describe Microsoft Exchange Server hybrid configuration options and deployment options.
Describe Exchange Server roles in hybrid deployment.
Exchange Server hybrid deployment

This module explains how to perform Exchange Server hybrid configuration deployment.

Use the Hybrid Configuration Wizard
Managing and configuring the Exchange hybrid deployment
Implement advanced functionality for hybrid deployments
Configure message compliance and hygiene in a hybrid environment

Lab : Implement the Exchange Server hybrid deployment
Using the Hybrid Configuration Wizard
Move mailboxes between Exchange on-premises and Exchange Online
Configure message compliance and security in the hybrid environment

After completing this module, you will be able to :
Use the Hybrid Configuration Wizard to establish an Exchange hybrid environment.
Configure an Exchange hybrid deployment.
Implement advanced functionality hybrid deployment.
Describe the compliance features for an Exchange hybrid deployment.
Deploying additional Microsoft 365 services in a hybrid deployment

This module explains how to deploy Azure MFA, Identity Protection, and Azure Information Protection.

Implement Multi-Factor Authentication in a hybrid scenario
Implement Azure Information Protection
Implement Identity Protection and Azure AD Privileged Identity Management

Lab : Configure additional Office 365 services in hybrid deployments
Implement Multi-Factor Authentication
Implement Azure Information Protection
Implement Azure AD Privileged Identity Management

After completing this module, you will be able to :
Implement Multi-Factor Authentication.
Implement Azure Information Protection.
Implement Identity Protection and Azure AD Privileged Identity Management.
Authentication options in hybrid deployments

This module explains how to deploy various authentication methods in a hybrid Microsoft 365 deployment.

Deploy AD FS for SSO in an Microsoft 365 hybrid environment
Deploy pass-through authentication for SSO in Microsoft 365
Plan authentication options in Microsoft 365
Lab : Implement authentication solutions in hybrid deployments
Deploy AD FS for SSO
Deploy pass-through authentication for SSO

After completing this module, you will be able to:
Deploy AD FS for single sign-on (SSO) in an Microsoft 365 hybrid environment.
Deploy pass-through authentication for SSO.
Plan authentication options in Microsoft 365.

Les prochaines
sessions de formation

Sur demande
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02 décembre 2024
27 janvier 2025
24 mars 2025
26 mai 2025

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